So what! If they trash talk you, is that supposed to define you? So you will put your life on hold, regret your actions, change your decisions, sink into depression and unhappiness because of some half baked story???

I have often wondered why humans (youth in particular) think they need other peoples' approval; no matter how hard they try, people will only know you as much as you want them to, So why bother what they say about you or think of you?

People will always talk about your life, your beliefs, your family, your job, your choices, your failures and of course your victory..... that is their job!!!
You give them an advantage over you if you allow them run your life with their opinions.

Someone will ask me if that's THEIR JOB what is mine?
There was a time in my life when I thought pleasing people, having them say only good things about me is all that matters to live right.
Guess what..I realised I was trying so hard, putting in too much effort to live; I was unhappy and at the same time not getting the results I wanted. I was burning up fast and I was going to CRASH!!!

I said to myself "Ladoyin you have to snap out of it, you cant keep wasting away like this!!!"
I didn't have peace until I started living by a rule I call SELECTIVE SENSITIVITY.

The rule says admist all the talking you deliberately handpick information that will make you better, you trash the rest, you don't allow any derogatory comment affect your emotions so you are not affected; YES they are talking but you are TUNED OFF so you ain't listening. Roll up all they have to say about you into a ball and turn it into your ladder of motivation.
You are not being ruthless or insensitive...you are only being sensitive to what matters because they only know part of the story and all they have are speculations; So both parties have to make use of the resources at their disposal (both parties are doing their Job).

SO WHILE THEY ARE BUSY TALKING, YOU ARE BUSY RISING using your ladder of motivation as a channel.
That is the only way you come out at the other side of all your battles GREATER AND BETTER than you were.

People have the right to talk about you, you can't strip them of their rights but remember speculations is all they've got on you, as long as it concerns you, you hold all the cards, you run the show, you are the BOSS! ACT LIKE ONE
Youth Vibe with **Ladoyin**


Unknown said…
Nicely read. You live for yourself not for others.
Unknown said…
U never seize to amaze me
Well said

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