Have you ever noticed that most of our behaviour is habitual? For they often come automatically without thinking. Have you ever thought of it that the future which you’ve been gazing on is chiefly determined by the habits you form daily? Then, relax and read this article.
Habit is the accumulation of traits and qualities, acquired through a consistent practice which sums up to form our character. It is the ‘tiny thread’ we weave on a daily basis which becomes a cord of cable, too strong to break. Practice do not only makes perfect, but makes permanent, whatever is done repeatedly either perfect or otherwise. While good habits are hard to come by but easy to live with, bad habits on the other hand come easy but are hard to live with.
Dear reader, at this juncture, I will like to share with you the three steps necessary in building positive habits that will be of no doubt turn over your dreams, goals and even fantasies into reality.
The first step is “Positive thinking” – This is the mother of every success building habit. If we have positive thoughts, we will have positive habits, for we are not what we think we are, but rather, what we think we are.
Secondly, practice good traits – as good seeds make a good garden, so, good traits make good habits. Therefore learn to cultivate and practice good traits in order to have good sets of habits, for anything we practice long enough becomes ingrained in our system and becomes a habit. We often learn by doing. By behaving courteous, we learn courtesy. By practicing loyalty, diligence and a good sense to time management, we learn these traits and we master them.
The third step is called “sustenance” and abstinence” great success lies in the philosophy of ‘sustain and abstain’ sustain what is necessary and needed to be done while you abstain from what is detrimental until this becomes habitual.
Dear reader, it’s a general belief that we need to cultivate positive habits during childhood which builds character in adulthood. But I tell you it is never too late to start. The old adage that you can’t teach an old dog new trick is wrong. We are human beings, not dogs, nor are we performing tricks.
Every exposure to a positive information such as this is meant to make a difference. For learning new positive habits only takes time, but once mastered, give a new meaning to life and more reasons to existence.In conclusion, always remember the winner’s creed which states: Every habits counts. Every habit is either moving you towards your goals or away from them. Every habit is either helping you or hurting. No habit is neutral


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