1. Plan Purposely: You might at first find it very difficult to agree with me on this, but the fact is; ‘we all plan’ yeah, we all do even those who failed only planned to fail (I mean they only had plans that could not cause them to succeed but to fail). Believe me, “when the purpose of a journey is not well defined, then disaster becomes an inevitable destination.” Therefore, the first step necessary to champion a cause and achieve greatness is not to plan but to plan purposely. Be deliberate on what you really want in life, be purposeful when you plan (plan with the end; the Big Picture in mind). Then move on to the next step.
2. Prepare Prayerfully: There comes a time in everyone’s life when we turn to our creator for help. This is the moment in our lives when divinity meets humanity and the result is usually ‘Oh So Sweet!'
3. Proceed Positively: To attain greatness and champion a cause, you need to get rid of the word ‘impossibility.’ Always believe that failure is just the classroom in which you learn the lessons of success.
4. Pursue Persistently: The proof of a true desire has not changed, it’s still pursuit. But the question is; what is the extent of your pursuit? The answer to this question depends strongly on your answer to the next question I’m about to ask; “how ‘badly’ do you want greatness?”
I can never forget the words of my mentor of a blessed memory; JOHN OLUSHOLA BAMIDELE which says;
“If you really want greatness in life, then go ahead and fight for it
Day and night, you’d work for it
Give up your time, your peace, even your sleep for it
For life will seem miserable and useless without it
So, with all your capacity,
Strength of sagacity
Hope, confidence, faith and patience of pertinacity
And with the help of God you will get it!
Therefore, I implore you to Plan Purposely, Prepare Prayerfully, Proceed Positively and Pursue Persistently. Then you’ll attain greatness and champion a cause. Meet me at the top!


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