What would you call a market Woman who after setting up her shop, left it and wandered about?
"Soo gbá e", a statement in Yoruba (one of the popular African languages especially in Nigeria and Benin Republic).
Although the phrase literally means 'watch your lot' ", soo gbá e" connotes that you mind your own business. While this statement is mostly used as a slang I believe it carries a gem of knowledge that can help us in living our true life.

If we spend most of our time talking about other people business... Then we have conceded that there is nothing great we can offer to others of our thoughts or precious time.
What we talk about tells other our stand in life, our maturity level and our mental state.
It's quite annoying, perhaps saddening to see men and women, boys and girls alike chattering other people's matter.
Those with positive attitude in life choose silence over negative noise. They lift people up instead of tearing them down. They dream of where they could be instead of wallowing and drowning in the right now. They see the mistakes and faults of others as a reflection for self improvement instead of a laughing matter. They remain neutral in judgments instead of joining the crucification. And they choose higher grounds while others stay low... All they do is minding their own business. »"Soo gbá e"

Life is simply a choice... Do good and reap the reward in the long run or do dirty and reap a false sense of Joy in the short run. You stand to choose. »"Soo gbá e"

Successful or simply the achievers and truly happy people devote their time, thoughts and words to grow and change; they consciously better their lot... The rest do whatever it takes to sabotage their success and that of others...
"Soo gbá e"

In the end we discover that the world is a Market place and onlookers don't profit much; if by a sheer of luck they do at all it won't last. »"Soo gbá e"
All of us who have an enterprise to develop need to exercise focus and patience in carrying out the various transactions that will add up to whatever our desired profits may be and leave the fotsams of the society to go on loafing.
I believe "soo gbá e" holds a wisdom to channel our paths to greatness.
What do you think?


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