Why do some people succeed and others fail? Why will one person seem to go from one level of success to another while another experiences an unending failure? It’s amazing to see two people growing up; one flying up to the peak and the other dragging in the pit. You will want to say life is not fair, yes I know but one thing I want you to know is that you can consciously determine your own lot; although you can’t alter your fate (what happens to you) you can determine your destiny (how your life goes). So, let me show you how to. A young man was once opportune to meet a successful business man after a television interview. The young man asked; sir, how can I become successful in my own endeavours? ‘Be Good’ the successful business man simply replied. The young man looked down and thought a while, then broke the silence as he said, ‘sir, I think I’m very good at what I do.’ On hearing this, the financial icon said, ‘Get Better.’ To this the young man thanked the financial icon, turned ...
So what! If they trash talk you, is that supposed to define you? So you will put your life on hold, regret your actions, change your decisions, sink into depression and unhappiness because of some half baked story??? I have often wondered why humans (youth in particular) think they need other peoples' approval; no matter how hard they try, people will only know you as much as you want them to, So why bother what they say about you or think of you? People will always talk about your life, your beliefs, your family, your job, your choices, your failures and of course your victory..... that is their job!!! You give them an advantage over you if you allow them run your life with their opinions. Someone will ask me if that's THEIR JOB what is mine? There was a time in my life when I thought pleasing people, having them say only good things about me is all that matters to live right. Guess what..I realised I was trying so hard, putting in too much effort to live; I was unh...
Have you ever noticed that most of our behaviour is habitual? For they often come automatically without thinking. Have you ever thought of it that the future which you’ve been gazing on is chiefly determined by the habits you form daily? Then, relax and read this article. Habit is the accumulation of traits and qualities, acquired through a consistent practice which sums up to form our character. It is the ‘tiny thread’ we weave on a daily basis which becomes a cord of cable, too strong to break. Practice do not only makes perfect, but makes permanent, whatever is done repeatedly either perfect or otherwise. While good habits are hard to come by but easy to live with, bad habits on the other hand come easy but are hard to live with. Dear reader, at this juncture, I will like to share with you the three steps necessary in building positive habits that will be of no doubt turn over your dreams, goals and even fantasies into reality. The first step is “Positive thinking” – This is the...