We have the same time in a day;... 24 hours... fourteen hundred and forty minutes. So, with time being such a precious commodity, why is it that so many of us spend our days worrying? Worry has almost become a national pastime for most!

Some of you may be reading this and thinking, "Yeah, he probably doesn't have anything to worry about." But, that's not true. I have plenty to worry about, I just choose not to and I'd like to suggest that you follow suit and resolve right now, as you read this piece, that you are not going to invest even one of those fourteen hundred and forty minutes worrying... about anything.
Clearly understand, Worry serves only one purpose... it makes matters worse.
How? Well, quite simply, when you're focused on worrying about something, you'll never be able to focus on a solution. Be aware that your mind cannot focus on two things at the same time... it can either focus on the current situation and worry or a solution. The choice is always yours.

Remember, "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its grief, but it does empty today of its joy"
So, don't Worry, be Happy! Or Don't Worry, be Jeary