On the road to success, you need to understand basic things in order to achieve your set goals. A vital part of your success is discovering your potentials. A nation going to war has to count the cost of the war. If the arsenal of the country does not possess the weapons of warfare, the exercise could be a hollow ritual. In your own life, you have to discover your potentials. Potentials are those natural gifts of yours that can be developed.

In order for us to discover our potentials and fully maximize them, we need to ask ourselves these questions:
What are the things I do with less effort?
What are the things that excite me?
What are the things that make me feel agitated?
What do I love to do for the rest of my life, even if I am not paid a kobo?
What talent or abilities do my friends commend me for?
What, am I willing to give a 100 percent dedication to?
How do I like to work? Alone, with people or computers?
Do I enjoy sitting in a place for long, or I like moving around?
What are my limitations or weakness?
If you can genuinely provide answers to these questions, you will be on your way to the top. The connection to your destiny is already in your life. Also, remember that, you need education for your foundation and your gifts (potentials) for your destiny.
You will only know true fulfillment in your life when you discover what makes you unique in a sea of billions of people, and you set out to achieve your divine destiny. My candid advice is for you to find what you truly and continuously love and build on it, your every day agenda.
Upon the discovery of your true potentials, you can now draw out your plan on how you want to use those gifts. Look for a field of human endeavour that requires your talent and pursue a career in that line. To the brave and courageous, I say that, “do not go where the paths may lead, but go where there is no path, and blaze a trail. This is your day of success and financial achievement”!
Be the best you can!


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