As Nigerians grapple with the dire situation in the country, President Buhari’s ailing health is a great concern to some of us who believe in our President’s efforts to rescue Nigeria from the claws of corruption.

The presidency continue to play slyly into the hands of Buhari’s foes and adversaries. This is the age of information dissemination. It is practically impossible to hide under one canopy in a country that is shrinking into a global village. In this period of reminiscence of the late Yar’Adua’s twilight life, the patriots in Nigeria are very concerned. Nigerians have the right to ask for their president when they suspect something is going wrong. The poor tasks of Buhari’s handlers are a vindication to his foes and death- wishers! The haters of Buhari seem to be winning over some of us (Buharists) who believe in his incorruptible persona, and his unblemished vision for Nigeria.

We are again returning to the dark days of confusion. The presidency has been very conflicted about the president’s medical holiday in London. It has been incoherent messages from Aso villa. The transparency and good governance that constructed this administration is being called to question by Buhari’s adversaries. Meanwhile, the day Muhammadu Buhari was inaugurated as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, he became the father of the nation. His health became the health of the nation. Nigeria has been sick before our president even became sick. Now, his sickness has punctuated the speedy recovery of the looted funds, and the rate at which he was uncovering the rot in our system.
President Buhari’s incapacitation from the performance of his duties is a function of the legislature, the judiciary and his ailing health. It is gratifying that the President has acted according to the dictate of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Acting President Osinbajo has not disappointed some of us as he’s doing creditably well on his job. But there’s still a limit to how far the Acting President can perform some jobs of the President. Some people are surreptitiously planning to sabotage his efforts now.
Why does the presidency put the nation in the cooler about the president’s health? Why do they relish in putting us in the dark at all times? Is Nigeria suffering from generic sins? These are pertinent questions begging for answers in a troubled nation. When the incorruptible Buhari wept after he lost his bid to be president in 2011, my mind raced to how Chief Gani Fawehinmi wept for this country after his assessment of the direction the country was goin under the leadership of the militaricians and their civilian collaborators. This might be the auspicious time to truly come together to convey national prayers for exorcism of Nigeria’s intractable sins and problems. We should be a better nation than this!

I am just coming to realm of reality that the isolationism, and the belief in Buharism cannot solve our self-inflicted problems in Nigeria without equity, fairness and justice. Buhari is a one-man-batallion in the midst of a nation full of so much confusion and contradictions.
The problems with Nigeria is like cancer, I hope we find the cure to this cancerous situation before Nigeria goes into complete disintegration.

Meanwhile, if President Buhari is being incapacitated as a result of his poor health, and the fragility of his age to perform his constitutional duties, we have understanding of his efforts to see us through the precarious state of the nation. I hate to say this, but it will be imperative on the president to constitutionally handover power to his Vice-president if his ailment cannot allow him to come back for a long time to perform his constitutional duties. As we wish him speedy recovery, this is very important for him to take care of his ailing health; enjoy his twilight age with his beautiful family. He has tried his best to detach/rescue his country from the claws of hawkish corrupt politicians, and the confused citizens of Nigeria. This advice is being suggested with unfettered love for him; as a Buharist and a concerned citizen of Nigeria.

May Almighty God  heal our president of any contrived ailment and bring him back safely to us in Nigeria. We are deeply worried and troubled!
May God have mercy on Nigeria. Amen!


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