Have you ever asked yourself what brings about your present status? Have you taken time to ponder on why life is the way it is or you just follow the belief of the majority who attribute all to chance and don't even bother to ask why? Well whichever category you may belong, the next few paragraphs will of no doubt give you a clearer and finer picture of life. Please relax and enjoy.... So many people attribute success and failure to luck. They claim to have accepted the predestined future written in their horoscope or stars. They believe that regardless of their effort, what will be will be. Hence they resign themselves to their fate and complacency becomes a way of life, forgetting that it takes preparation and actions rather than waiting and wishing. It is one's choice that determines one's future. This story will show you exactly how: THE HOUSE WE'LL LIVE IN Sometimes back there was a highly skillful, diligent and committed carpenter ...